meet the newest member of our family!
(sorry for the pic of a pic...)
(sorry for the pic of a pic...)
surprise! we were surprised, too, but are so excited. we just got back from our first doctor's appointment where we got to meet our sweet baby through ultrasound. we, also, got to hear that wonderful heartbeat! it's such a crazy feeling to watch this little life developing inside of me. i'm only about 7 1/2 weeks along. we get to meet him/her around 12/3. canon and his sibling will be exactly 18 months apart. lane has always sworn this is the perfect age difference as he and his brothers are also 18 months apart. please pray for the baby and mine's health, as well as finding a house. we have time, but want to be wise in our decision. we love you all!
That is so awesome.
Yipee! Another sweet baby!!! I love it!!! You two are great parents! I love you all! Mom/Oomah
The ultrasound just makes it so REAL!! We get ours tomorrow. I'm really excited!
How's little Canon doing today?
it does! i'm so excited that we're pregnant together. let us know!!!
YAY!! Congrats!! My older 2 are 18 months apart! Can't wait to watch you with this pregnancy!
I was just wondering when you folks would pop our another kid! And there you go. From the pictures he's already bigger than his older brother. Got any preference between boy or girl?
Congratulations! That's so great!
Yes! Another adopted niece/nephew.
We are going to have so much fun with another one!! Canon will be such a great big brother. I can't wait to love on this sweet baby!!! I love you!!! Mom/Gram
Can't wait until December 3!!!! My sister is having a baby!!!!
I'm so glad the secret is out! I can't wait until you and Beth have your babies. More babies to love on.
Dude, that's awesome! You guys are getting to be quite the family.
Boy do we love you guys a lot.
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