finishing up this trip on here has been driving me crazy! i guess it's kind of like a credit card- when the bill comes a month later and you've already enjoyed your purchase! this will be super long, but i'm just plowing through...on wednesday, we went to animal kingdom. the last time we were there, it had not opened yet. lane was really looking forward to this park. we had an early start to make breakfast reservations at the animal kingdom lodge. a friend had mentioned that it was a really yummy buffet, and you know we love breakfast! or food period! we completely underestimated the bus wait lines considering we hadn't been out this early all week. we had planned to catch a bus to animal kingdom then catch another to the lodge since they don't run hotel to hotel routes. well, everyone at our resort had planned to go to animal kingdom that day, i guess. the shortest line was to typhoon lagoon so we caught that bus then waited for a bus to the ak lodge. we waited. and waited. well, guess what they don't run routes as close together in the morning. poor kyle the whole time had to keep calling to push our reservations back. after over an hour of bus hopping we made it. it was so totally worth it. definately on my top 5 things of the trip! or maybe we only all thought it was exceptional because we were starving. i don't know!this was also the day that i began spotting again so lane had to push me around in a wheelchair. he was so sweet and didn't complain. he did forget me a few times while looking at something, and i would slowly start rolling away!
this dinosaur ride was so misleading. we thought it was a track ride. it was but a bumpy, loud, fast, scary ride!
we went on a kilimanjaro safari ride that was pretty cool.

i learned hippos are the deadliest animals in africa...

flamingos that haven't had enough shrimp yet...

another cool favorite. definately, the most creative parade

these were so cool. all the different animals that were controlled by people.

enjoying a ice cold treat during the parade...

this is what we looked like. everyone alternating pushing our transportation means around...

downtown disney: lego land

another stop by good 'ol goofy's candy co.

lauren and chloe performing hoedown throwdown...

day 5

l is for lane...

epcot was my favorite when i was younger, and it still is...

everyone was in line for daisy and not stitch...

so stitch waved me out of the wc and had lane push him over to where daisy was...

for dinner we did a character dining at a revolving restaurant. mickey, pluto, chip and dale were there! canon liked pluto and the chipmunks...

mickey wanted kyle to show off his muscles with him...kind of weird...

he loves to touch their noses...

pluto had a thing for mom. everytime he would come by our table he was all over her!

it started raining late afternoon so we all donned are cool ponchos...

since it was raining, they have to still set all the fireworks off in like 7 minutes. i was looking forward to the show, but oh well. there's always 4th of july!

one of the things i love about epcot is the character gardens. they are eveywhere. i think i took more pictures of these than anything else. well, maybe not parades...

day 6
canon had never been in a pool or anything with cool, refreshhing water. he loves his baths, but was not sure about the waterpark at first...

by the end of the day, he was loving floating with me and my mom in the wave pool and lazy river. he even took a nap...

kyle and i got really bad sunburns. i don't think i slept much the first 4 nights. it was very stupid of me to think that the florida sun would not fry me to a crisp...

these were pics from our hotel. we stayed in the toy story part. i loved it!

after cleaning up, we went to my other favorite buffet. notice the theme that i love buffet's! it was through epcot to where you had to exit the park and enter the ritzy resorts. i felt like we were in new hampshire. it was a clambake theme. lane ate his weight in mussels (i know that's shrimp on his plate!). lane also got blatantly hit on by the 'host' thanks to his bracelet...while the entire family was sitting there.

day 7
we had to wake up at 5 to catch our bus to the airport. these pictures sum up the last day. it was so fun, but what an exhausting trip! the pic of canon is in our bathtub at home. he fell asleep around 7:15 that evening. we were trying to keep him up so we thought we'd bathe him. he slept while i changed his diaper. he slept through his entire bath. he had never done any of these things before. he turned in early that night!

yippee! i'm finished!!!
Very good, I'm kinda glad your done too so now I don't have to be kept hanging on to what happened to the rest of our trip!
Thanks, now I feel like I've been there (kinda). The picture of Canon sleeping in the bath is precious.
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