sorry for not finishing this post sooner. everytime i thought about it last week, it exhausted me! i can't believe it has already been 2 weeks since we've been there. we are so ready for another vacation! i think i could do a week on a beach considering i stay drained.
magic kingdom!

this was a fun parade. it was a big dance party! i just love the parades. it was so hot, though! i don't know how the characters stay dressed up and don't pass know i would!

we had to wait in line longer while goofy went to take an "ice cream" break...

so i learned that kyle doesn't like to get wet. kyle, mom, and myself kept the briar patch store in business while we waited for the others. really, we just used them for their ac!

enjoying a pineapple whip while waiting in line...lane's favorite!

jack sparrow! i should have broke the rules and used my flash so it was clear...bummer...


i tried to take a pic of everyone on the scooter at one point during the trip...

i wish we could've had classic donald instead of frontier donald!

waiting in line for the haunted mansion. chloe did not enjoy this ride!

ANOTHER PARADE! this was a good one, too. it had everyone. i pushed my way to the front so i could get as many pics as possible!

big 'ol beast was on my side so i couldn't see belle, my favorite princess!

after the parade, we took canon back to the hotel for a nap. as soon as we got to our room, a huge storm blew in and it rained for several hours...

while we napped...

that night for dinner, we had reservations for character dining at the crystal palace. pooh and the gang were there. lane was very excited about this! up until this point, canon cried everytime we threw a character in his face. but he found a friend in piglet! he loved him. these pics are actually out of order. all the other characters stopped by the table first, and piglet was last.

it finally quit raining around 9...

and then the true adventure of the day began. all through out the day my mom's ankle and foot gradually began swelling. it was splotchy and completely numb by dinner that evening. mom called the dr who was on call back in oklahoma, and given the circumstances and her history, he encouraged her to go to the er to rule out a blood clot, especially since we were flying. it was so funny, while at dinner, our waitress was examining her ankle. on the way out of the park, we decided me and her would be going to the er. we just had to figure out how to get to the er. we asked two security guards where we could get a cab. they told us the quickest way would be to catch a bus to the hotel across the street and get a cab there. well, somehow this man with a red, glowing stick became involved. he must have been in charge of all the buses that were going to hotels. he told us we were on the wrong side of a fence and that we needed to go all the way back around. when we told him what we were doing, he told us to hang on. he then ran across the street, waving his wand all the while. he came back with a private bus that would take us to the hotel of our choice. then, it was decided we would call an ambulance because that would be quicker and we would be seen first at the er. whew! we then told him our group needed to get back to our hotel that was pretty far away. so he gave them the private bus and directed the driver to take them wherever they wanted to go! so we say goodbye to them...
meanwhile, we are waiting for the ambulance to arrive. a small group has gathered at this point, made up of management, security guards, and, of course, the red stick man. i'm pretty sure we made his night by giving him purpose. he was very into our "crisis". that's how he was acting as if it was a major movements here, running there! i get to ride shot-gun in the ambulance. the driver was a nice man from little rock. it surprisingly wasn't akward. he said they get 200 calls a day to the disney parks. once at the hospital, we waited forever! they sent her for an ultrasound and xray. everything looked good, no blood clot. the dr told her to keep it elevated as much as possible and sent us on our way. we had to call a cab for the ride home. we were probably the two worst to send out to find our way back to the hotel. we're both a little naive, yet paranoid! we never saw our driver's face. he was older with a huge cowboy hat pulled low. he only talked when he asked where we were headed. he sped through the streets while blaring his music. we were texting his description and what we were wearing to lauren and lane. we finally arrived safely to the hotel at 2am! of course, the next morning was the one morning we had to be up early to make a reservation. needless to say, we slept really good that night.
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