
one year check-up...

my baby is officially one! where has the time gone. i have to be honest...it was kind of annoying in the beginning when people would tell me all the time how fast the time goes, but it's so true! at the same time though, it seems like he's always been around.

he had his well-child check-up this week. he weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs 15 oz...which is less then what he weighed at his 9 month checkup. he lost a pound back in april when he had non-stop diarrhea, so at least we're gaining! since he hasn't been able to move past the 3rd percentile, she's having us come back in a month to check his weight just to make sure he's gaining. as much as he eats, that shouldn't be a problem. he has discovered table food and loves it! usually we feed him his baby food then whatever we're eating. we started him on cow's milk last week and to say he loves it is an understatement.

also, in the past couple of weeks, i've been weaning him from nursing. we're down to just the morning feeding which i'm hesitant to give up for a couple of reasons. first, he wakes up around 7-8 each morning. after i nurse him, he'll go back to bed until 9ish! secondly, i'll miss that time with him so much. i have loved everybit of nursing. my biggest prayer while i was pregnant was that nursing would go so easily for both of us, and it has. although when i start thinking about it, i quickly remember that in 6 months i'll be starting around the clock again and then i realize a break will be nice!

still not walking. still no teeth. still hasn't figured out how to "real crawl". he rolls and army crawls, but that's it. for awhile now, he's been walking along the couch and coffee table. he got a push toy for his birthday that he instantly started walking behind as he pushed it along. i'm sure walking isn't too far off!

he amazes us at how he understands and obeys commands. for a couple months now, when he gets out of his crib, we have him take his passy out and put it on his changing table. mainly, just so it's not a huge problem when we wean him from it. now, he just leans towards it while holding it out. he also signs his version of please and thank you. so cute!

we are just in awe of how much we love him. he is such a good baby. we can take him anywhere. he loves to be around people! we are a little worried that this next baby might really test us now that we've had an easy one! oh, one more story on my boy. if i ask him where the baby is, he lifts my shirt up and kisses my belly. i'm pretty sure he's convinced that are stomachs are called babies, but i like to think he loves his baby that much!

he was trying to put little toys inside the seat when he fell over, and got stuck! i was cracking up, and of course pulled the camera out. at first, he wasn't sure how to react, but then got frustrated because he couldn't move.


Amy said...

don't worry about the real crawling, Noah basically went from the army crawl to walking. He may have "real" crawled for like a week. He's so precious, I hope we get to meet him (and see you guys!) sometime!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I asked him where the baby is, if he'd pull up my shirt...

Anyways, I've loved having 'ittle baby Canon. After all, he's my adopted nephew.