today was a fun day. we got to take 2 kids to back-to-back doctor appointments! thank goodness lane was able to go with us. it was probably the most stressful situation i've been in as a mom so far! both kids screamed for the same time. i have no idea where canon's fear of doctors came from, but each visit is gets becomes more evident.
watching santa buddies in the waiting room...
ledger went first. i was anxious to see how much he had gained over the past 2 weeks. they say that they expect babies to gain enough weight to get them back to their birth weight in 3 weeks. that would mean he would need to gain 8 ounces. not ledger. he gained 4 ounces shy of 2 pounds. what a piggie! canon weighed this around 7 weeks. anyways, his check-up was boring which is good, i guess. he will go back at 2 months. i'm sure he'll still be a hoss then!
this little cutie on the other hand will be surpassed in weight by his "little" brother in no time. today was the first time he got to weigh on the big boy scale but they were weighing ledger at the same time so i didn't get a picture of him. he weighed 19 lbs 4 oz which for him is great. he'd gained a pound and a half in 3 months! he was also 30 1/4". needless to say, he's still in the bottom 3rd percentile in both weight and heighth. this was canon's first time to see our new doctor. even though he had blood work done back in august that all came back fine, she wants to run a more complete panel. she is also concerned about him not talking. she did get to hear him make his noises that he uses to communicate.
seriously, how cute is he? this is a good look for him. i love his pose! i may be in denial, but i really do feel like he's ok. he is so smart. we can ask him to point to something, ask him to go get something, anything like that and he knows exactly what we're talking about. he is soooo busy except when he's sleeping that i'm sure he's burning tons of calories. he also has only had 2 bottom teeth since july. just this past week, his top two teeth are coming through. so that factor coupled with the fact that he's a finicky eater i'm sure plays into his lack of weight gain.
he's just so incredibly sweet. i love him so much and am so thankful for the bond we have. we are just praying that if there is a problem, we can figure it out soon so we can begin treating it. if not, that we will have peace and be ok with him taking his time developing.
this is canon's friend, rowdy. it was actually a gift for ledger, but canon adopted him and is taking good care of him until ledger is old enough to play with him. canon has developed a deep love for his stuff animals in the past couple of months. he takes different ones with him on car rides. he feeds them his juice cups. they help him eat his dinner. and today, rowdy helped canon feel better after the doctor looked in his ears and eyes. oh, how we love our sweet boys.have any of your kids or someone you know had weight gaining issues or speech delays? especially with boys?
I used to babysit for a family in our neighborhood and their little boy was probably around the same age as Canon and not talking much. They eventually had his tongue clipped and he started talking immediately.
My sister has a son who will be 3 on May 31st. He is tiny and his speech is a little delayed/hard to understand, although his speech now really seems to be taking off. He's smart and is actually already potty trained. They've decided that as of right now he is perfectly fine...just itty bitty. He's not so much short though as he is skinny. I think he FINALLY hit 20 pounds around 18 months or so. Lily is QUICKLY catching up to him (in weight). Enjoy your sweet boys!
Your dad. And trust me, he talks fine today.
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know a little bit about my daugther Chloe. She is itty bitty. She is 26 months old and weighs 23 pounds. At one year she weighed 19 pounds and was 28 inches. Most of the time babies who are about one are around her size. People always mention how tiny she is. The doctors are not concerned as long as she is following her own growth chart. I know it is concerning as a parent though. Hang in there! Unfortunately, I think it is a wait and see thing. Chloe also had speech delay, but it cleared up when she got tubes at 18 months. Have they done a hearing test on him?
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