
my sanity...

my new place to go and feel sane and normal and a part of the daily goings on of our world is target. i've always loved target, but my love for their products and enviroment is continually growing. whenever i feel like the boys and i just need to "get out", we head to target. fortunately, within a 10 mile radius of my house, there are 5 target stores. that's bizarre to me. one of the many reasons i love living in a big city! that's become our go to place because 1) they have baskets...big baskets. i hate lugging the humongous double stroller around. 2) they have icee's! 3) there merchandise is always new. which is a good thing since we are frequently looking. 4) they have the $1 bin section. lots of neat finds in there. there are tons of others things i love about it, but if you've ever been in a target then you know for yourself how great it is!! 90% of the time, we walk out empty handed, but, man, that was a good hour of browsing! canon even knows the landmarks surrounding our favorite target. he starts saying "ar-it, ar-it..." love him.

all of that to say, i went on a great chase today looking for canon's costume in his size. i had already looked at 2 of the closest stores yesterday, but no luck. on my second stop today, i found what i thought was his size and also my new favorite target store...it's huge. got home. tried it on. too big. went back. exchanged for his size. ahhh. what a good day. btw, he's going to be a garden gnome. the cutest garden gnome ever. curious...does anyone remember david the gnome that used to come on nick jr? man, that was a good show.

happy friday!


Anonymous said...

I love Target because -- It's not Wal Mart!!

Josh and Maggie said...

I LOVE TARGET!!! It's usually the first place we go when we're able to make it to the big city! I so wish there was one in Muskogee. I think Target is just what Muskogee needs.

Amy Hasler said...

Ah, DAvid the gnome! I watched it everyday during summer vacation! Ha! Can't wait to see our little gnome!