we went to hollywood studios on monday. i'm used to calling it mgm. chloe kept asking what day we were going to mgm since i kept saying that. it was so blazing hot that day...like 95 ish! i don't know how many water bottles we drank. after not sleeping much thanks to a cute little baby, we got up and around about 8. the hotel had a large food court with all kinds of food. we ate breakfast that morning. they had delicious mickey waffles with strawberries! we then got in line for the buses. surprisingly, the lines weren't bad. we never waited more than 15 minutes for a bus...except once ...40 minutes :( another perk at the bus stop was people who had scooters/wheelchairs got on with their families first! mom was a pro at parallel parking that thing in the bus! when we went years ago, this was my favorite park. now i like epcot! since hs has more shows, we had to schedule our time more, which was a little difficult with so many people.
waiting for tower of terror... chloe was so brave and rode everything
canon's first interaction with a character. he was a little traumatized to say the least. these are little einsteins, annie and leo. i think i enjoyed getting autographs more than chloe!
jojo and goliath
seeking shade and a seat while the others rode the rock-n-rollercoaster. we were good benchwarmers...
this was a fun show. we got to hear 3 guests sing and vote for them. the one we liked won! the young girl on the far right flew down with her mom specifically to do this show. all the winners from the day compete in the evening for a free pass at the real american idol tryouts.
waiting on the parade. i found that the afternoon parades were my favorite. although we did get tired of hearing the song "it's the time of your life."
lauren enjoyed the scooter as much as any ride there...
this was waiting in line for the toy story interactive ride. it was by far the best one. you compete with another person by shooting at different targets on passing screens. it was alot of fun!
we went to downtown disney again for supper that night. we ended up at wolfgang puck express. it's his cheaper counter service restaurant. it was so good! also had really good value for how much food we got. of course, we stopped by goofy's candy company for dessert. it was a cute store. the boys enjoyed their apples...
we all slept well that night after a good shower. man, the heat wipes you out!
we are high school sweethearts who got married in June 2006 after dating for 4 years. i feel very blessed to be able to stay at home with my sweet boys. i enjoy eating, browsing target, drinking coffee, reading blogs, and watching too much tv! lane is a youth minister and a wonderful daddy/husband to us. he enjoys photography, all things sports, video games and watching movies. we love jesus. we love others. we love each other.
our sweet, talkative, 4 year old who is also full of endless energy and fun! he loves drums, outside, superheroes, video games, his brothers and treats in no particular order.
our fun-loving 2.5 year old who is super sweet and takes laid-back to a whole new level! he is content to play with rocks and sticks or read books. he adores buzz, food, pixar movies, and cuddling with his blankie and his mama.
knox oliver is our 3rd son who was born in december 2011 . he is the sweetest, most content, smiley baby. he loves eating, his passy, watching his big brothers, and sucking on his hands. we love watching his fun, little personality emerge.
Makes me want to go back now. Why did Lauren have a scooter? She's a nut!
my mom had the scooter for the week, but lauren would ride it whenever she could
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