after lane ratted me out at youth group last night, i figured, what the heck, i'm not ashamed! i, kelli moss, have a blankie that i sleep with every single night. yes, i know i'm 24. yes, i know i have kids (whom also have their fav blankies!). let me introduce to who i so affectionately call "blankie".
blankie and i go way back. it actually belonged to one of my cousins i am told and i somehow became attached to it before i can even remember. seriously, there are only a handful of nights i can remember not sleeping with it. when i realize i don't have it, i have a slight panic attack. 2 of those absent nights were when i had my kids. lane talked me out of not taking it to the hospital for fear it would end up in the hospital laundry. however, it did accompany us on our honeymoon!
as you can see, it is very thread barren. it used to be full of fluff and have pretty pastel stripes, but after lots of washes and bleach, it's super soft shell is all that remains. the few remnants of fluff left get everywhere so for the past few years, i've had to keep it in a pillowcase.
of course, i wad it up and shift it around until my head finds the perfect place to drift off to sleep. i have no plans of ever getting rid of my blanket. if something tragic happened, i'd be forced to find something similar although nothing could ever replace blankie! when i was little, i always thought i wanted to buy a fire safety box so i could put it in there when i wasn't using it. i still think that if there was an emergency, after my kids were safe and if i had time, i'd grab my blankie. it's helped me through many of tornado warnings.i realize i'm probably off my rocker a little bit, but my blankie is just a part of's comfort, routine, a friend (it's dried many tears!) and so much more! now if you didn't think i was weird enough, i'm going to throw my sister under the bus and ask her to share about her special bond with her blankie on her blog. where did my parents go wrong?!?!
do any of you have a blankie or special something you can't part with??
I have no shame at all doing a post on the one and ONLY blankie! In fact, why have I waited so long to do it? I am super excited to do it now!!! Look out readers!
haha I laughed all the way through this post. It is too funny!! I have a stuffed moose that I sleep with. I don't know how far back it goes and I really don't know it's origin. I just remember I randomly started sleeping with it in college (I think my sophomore year) and now I sleep with it every night.
Kel, I have to admit the first time you told me you took blankie on your honeymoon I nearly laughed my way to the floor. But now knowing you better.... I still laugh! Ha! It's ok though I still heart you!
how funny! i don't have a "blankie", but i do have a favorite blanket for sure! it is quite ugly (think 70s floral), but it is so big, warm, and comfy. i love snuggling underneath it, especially when i'm super cold or having a bad day. i think hannah enjoys it too. she goes right to sleep when we snuggle under it.
I love this!! I have a Pound Puppy that I've slept with every night (except for a few) since I was 2 years old. You can see the stuffing through his 'fur' and he's pretty lumpy... but I still sleep with him every night!!!
I have my Bunny and Cabbage Patch that have a special place next to my bed. I can't even begin to imagine what will happen if something goes terribly wrong with both of your blankies.
I have a feeling that if you or lauren lost your blankies then ya'll would probley have to call the police!!!! Although I do have a blankie and a dog(happy as ya'll know) that I sleep with! But i'm not wierd!!
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