I know it may seem weird for there to be an entire blog post entitled about the author nearly two and a half years into the blogs existence, but on this, the author’s 25th birthday, it only seems fitting that I tell you a little about the woman behind the blog. Oh, sorry, this is Lane. Not Kelli. Most of you know me, but some of you do not. For those of you that do not, I am the eternally grateful husband of this blogger mom (I can’t remember the cool technical lingo for the term “blogger mom”. “Blom”?), I am the proud daddy of the two boys about whom you so often read, and I am the delighted consumer of the “Tasty Tuesday” treats. But enough about me...
There are about 3.89 billion things I love about Kelli. But I’ll go with 25 since...well...you get it. So here they are (in no particular order).
There are about 3.89 billion things I love about Kelli. But I’ll go with 25 since...well...you get it. So here they are (in no particular order).
Edit: I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and it ended up being reeeaallllyyy long. So I decided I will post 1 a day for 25 days. Also, A couple of days ago Kelli started talking about doing a post on 25 things you should know about her...this bummed me out a bit but hopefully you will find some new stuff in what I write and maybe I can expound a bit on any overlap...
25. It started with a dance. It seems fitting that I would start by telling you how “it” started. And by “it” I mean Kelli and I’s history. We’ve known each other forever. Think Kindergarten/1st grade. My very first memory of Kelli is of her dancing in the middle of our school’s “learning center”. Those of you that know Kelli at all are immediately skeptical because if there’s one thing Kelli doesn’t do, it’s dance in public. Maybe that’s why it caught my eye. I was in 2nd grade and I was bending over the water fountain pretending to take a very long drink (milking time out of my desk) when I noticed little Kelli in her little uniform breaking it down at the scoring table (where we graded our work). I stopped what I was doing to watch the show (she’s quite the dancer) when all of a sudden she got very still and the reason for her groove became evident...in the form of a small puddle at her feet. Yes. She peed her pants (skirt to be accurate). Now don’t go judging her, she was in first grade. We all have that story (ask me about the time I was selling raffle tickets for my 12 and under baseball team). All I know, is that is the absolute, very first memory I have of Kelli, and I was hooked. 14 years later, I married her. And I adore her.
I love that we both made our mark on Boulevard. 1st Grade for you and Kindergarten for me. :)
Wow! Thanks Lane for this post. I was going back to the "learning center" and picturing the scoring station and trying to imagine the scene. That's great! And what a memory to last through even into the years of you being married. So cute...looking forward to the next 24 posts. ;)
That is hilarious! I can't wait to read the other 24 things.
this is absolutely precious!
I'm looking forward to the next 24 posts. I only know the first few layers of the onion that is Kelli and I'm excited about getting a glimpse of the inner layers!
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